Click pics for larger and more detailed photo (IF you can stand it).

Plastic hoop-painting/sculpture thingies, as candle holders.

Plastic tipis, with cute, separate "hearth" (not shown).

Dreamcatchers, hoop paintings and feathers, "Oh my"."

Dreamcatchers, hoop paintings and feathers, "Oh my".

The offender.
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Cultural Kleptomania
What's really sad is walking in to the local tribally owned & operated convenience store/casino and seeing the "native" crafts there intermingled with the asian wares...Even the native made items are beginning to look Chinese... & some of the subject matter? Makes one shudder...sad to see.
Oh my indeed.
when i was in india i saw dreamcatchers and teepees for sale at the hippie market in anjun,goa. if it are made by Indians in India is it an indian craft?
"if it are made by Indians in India is it an indian craft?"
Ahh, the eternal "Who was Indian first?" question. Although I cannot provide the final answer, I give you my Socratic method:
-Wasn't India known as Hindustan, until fairly recently?
-Where did Columbus think he was going; The "Indies" or the "Orient"?
Forget that last gibberish. I haven't slept for nearly two days.
columbus shmolumbus! the chinese found you first! now they making dreamcatchers! ironical?
It shows that we still need to educate the market a lot about what is authentic and what is not.
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