Tuesday, December 20, 2005

FIVE centuries of white rule in Bolivia have ended with the election of the country's first indigenous head of state.

World news from The Times and the Sunday Times - Times Online

However; the title given to the article-"Cocaine plants to be legalised by the first home-grown President" speaks volumes about the external view of Bolivia's Indigenous president.

(Excerpt) "Senor Morales built his campaign on a promise to break the power of the European elite that has run Bolivia since independence from Spain in 1825 and which is seen by many as having ransacked the country's vast mineral wealth and left its people impoverished.

Senor Morales has pledged to nationalise the country's huge gas reserves and call a constituent assembly to write a new constitution that will reflect the indigenous majority. Ethnic Aymara and Quechua people make up a majority of the 9.3 million population."


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