Marine honour guard, with casket, in front of Tipi. Click below to see the whole slideshow. Great pictures.
Copy right: Rocky Mountain News, Photographer: Todd Heisler
Slideshow at Rocky Mountain News
Every powwow that I can remember attending has had a "Veterans" honour guard and flag- bearers. Native Canadian and American peoples have always fought in the armies of the surrounding society. Warriors will be warriors; and they will be honoured.
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Thank you for sharing this.
I've only spent a little time in the Dakotas, but I've always been struck by the 'severity' of the landscape. People always seem insignificant under its sky and have to stand taller there.
Seeing the slide show allowed me to feel a part of the honoring of this fallen warrior...the photos were of great quality, and done as honorably as can be expected. However it also made me feel that perhaps the camera shouldn't have been there to begin with. Any thoughts?
I agree northwindigo - I felt the same dichotomy, like perhaps I was looking in on something private... but in the end I am still glad that the images could be shared.
The family must have wanted the events to be recorded, they were proud of their son's service. If the photographer was intruding, uninvited; we'd be reading about his stay in the Rapid City hospital.
and how.
I found this a very fitting and deserving memorial to a fallen warrior. My prayers are with the family.
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