She has been found, deceased. - (CBC article)
"The body of a 19-year-old Whitehorse woman missing since May was found over the weekend, RCMP confirmed on Tuesday.
Family and friends had spent the past 5½ months searching for Angel Carlick, who was last seen on May 27."
My friend and fellow Native blogger, Larry Mitchell suffered an aneurysm and stroke, while I was at deer camp. As of last update, he's still in intensive care. My own father suffered a stroke about four years ago. Our hopes and best wishes go out to Larry and his family.
Schenandoah Fund"Danielle Schenandoah, Oneida activist and mother has many achievements under her belt. She is internationally-renowned for her work. She has appeared in front of the United Nations Permanent Forum for Indigenous peoples, addressing violations of Indigenous peoples rights, including crimes against humanity. Because Danielle has spoken out against the corruption of the Oneida Nation's Turning Stone Casino enterprise, she has been harassed, denied healthcare, falsely and illegally imprisoned (her "crime" being listed as "Native American Indian"). Worst, she has found herself destitute because her home was demolished in 2002 and had her children apprehended as a result. She has since regained custody of her children but is in danger of losing them again because of the dire financial situation she is faced with. After much work, she was able to purchase a used trailer and have her children together once more. A car accident in August, has left her 14-year-old daughter, Clarisse, with serious injuries requiring fulltime care. Unable to leave her daughter to work, this single mother is once again in danger of losing her home."
just stuff:

Native artstuff:
Winnipeg Aboriginal Film Festival Nov.15-18, 2007. WAFF BEBO page.
Bill Reid Gallery (Press Release) of Northwest Coast Art Launches Campaign with $1 million Gift from The Audain Foundation. Projected opening: May 10, 2008.
Faces of Native American comedy
Insightful look at Navajo culture
Circle Cinema Launches Native Film Festival
Public Theater to Launch Native Theater Festival Dec. 5
Random resources, news and stuff:
Ancient "Fire Temple" Found in Peru
Blog of the University of Winnipeg Aboriginal Students' Council
"The mission of the Aboriginal Student Council (ASC) is to unify Aboriginal (First Nations, Metis & Inuit) and non-Aboriginal students of the University of Winnipeg in order to advance the interests of the membership..."
A call to boycott Rush Limbaugh
"The chairman of Perupetro, the government body responsible for granting oil exploration licences, has said that photos of twenty-one uncontacted Indians taken recently in south-east Peru prove 'nothing' of their existence."
"Censored and under-reported news"
"Survival is the only international organisation supporting tribal peoples worldwide. It was founded in 1969 after an article by Norman Lewis in the UK's Sunday Times highlighted the massacres, land thefts and genocide taking place in Brazilian Amazonia. Like many modern atrocities, the racist oppression of Brazil's Indians took place in the name of 'economic growth'..."
"ArcticStat is a permanent, public and independent statistical database dealing with the countries, regions and populations of the Circumpolar Arctic.
ArcticStat was born out of the desire to facilitate comparative research on the socioeconomic conditions of the peoples of the Arctic by bringing together already existing data which are dispersed and often hard to find."
The Universal Photographic Digital Imaging Guidelines
"These 12 guidelines — provided as a Quick Guide plus an in-depth Complete Guide — aim to clarify the issues affecting accurate reproduction and management of digital image files."
dude, is that a jail omlette next with the ham and bacon? howd you get bacon and ham in lockup? readers want to know.
Worse than jailfood; hospital cafeteria fud.
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