Saturday, March 25, 2006

Seven Fires Prophesy of the Anishinabe

Seven Fires Prophesy of the Anishinabe

You may have heard the phrase "Seven Fires", a google search yields "about 28 800" returns. Here, you can read the prophecies; their interpretation is still being resolved/lived-out.

On a lighter note... I was going through some old stuff, in a box today... and found this clipping of a young Broken Vulture gamely trying to keep up with the play. I thought that you might find this amusing (I recommend clicking for larger pic).

small town newspaper clipping, probably fall of 1996
small town newspaper clipping, probably fall of 1996 (OOps. That would be 1986. Thanks for pointing that out, Will).

I wasn't really a big fan of the game. I didn't have a firm grasp of the plays, "holes", "defensive reads" or the proper way to hit someone. I played one year of high school, with people who'd been playing for several years and much smaller than me. . .
And they hurt me. Very effectively.

I was always better at badminton.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fall of 96? i'm pretty sure you were a minnehopeless art fag drunk already in 96. were you living a secret double life as a highschool football stud at the time?