Sunday, April 20, 2008

sobering analysis

A sobering analysis of the American economy, and by extension, the Canadian economy [from an unexpected quarter].
"On August 15, 1971, president Nixon declared bankruptcy. It wasn't worded like that, of course. But what Nixon did was to state that the US would no longer honor its creditors and pay gold for the dollar. He declared the credit documents invalid. This event has been dubbed The Nixon Shock. In any other milieu, cancelling payments is the same as declaring bankruptcy. Here, it was "just an executive order", and the world at large didn't really appreciate its consequences.
One such consequence was that the US was free to print as much money as anyone was willing to buy, inflating the bubble without any check, balance, or irritating warning light..."

bad fisherman

There is a new TV show pilot coming to TV, soon and you can help make it happen, with an email. The Skeptologists
"a TV series that focuses on the real, the intelligent and important advances in science, critical thinking and skepticism. The Skeptologists will be pitched to major networks soon..."

National Geographic news article: Polar Bear Decision Delay Meant to Protect Oil Leases?
"... likely a tactic by political appointees to delay a decision until the Minerals Management Service can finish issuing offshore petroleum leases in the Chukchi Sea.
The delay is meant to protect the leases from legal challenges, the groups claim..."

2008 National Aboriginal Hockey Championships from April 27 to May 3, 2008. Hosted by Garden River First Nation, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.

Another blogger weighs in on the under-reported "mass graves" story.

Rainy Lake and Noden Causeway; just before breakup 2008. [Pics click to enlarge.]

Rainy Lake and Noden Causeway; just before breakup 2008.

Rainy Lake and Noden Causeway; just before breakup 2008.

Rainy Lake and Noden Causeway; just before breakup 2008.

Rainy Lake and Noden Causeway; just before breakup 2008.

Rainy Lake and Noden Causeway; just before breakup 2008.


Great tutorial on bookbinding.

analysis of rare textiles from Honduras ruins suggests Mayans produced fine fabrics.
"... One fabric in particular had an especially high thread count - 100 yarns per inch - which OrdoƱez said is even considered high for modern textiles..."

Digital artists handbook.
"The goal of the Handbook is to be a signpost, a source of practical information and content that bridges the gap between new users and the platforms and resources that are available, but not always very accessible."

Science and native tradition meet over plants.
"... it was also extremely sensitive business, with the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and the Algonquins of Pikwakanagans at times uncertain about researchers motivations...
Halfway through the project, Craig said the two native communities began to see the benefits of the Medicinal Plant Project. It could help elders pass on traditional plant knowledge to First Nation youth..."

San Francisco Symphony records works of American Indian (Cherokee) composer.

Series of totem pole pics, at IslandRambles blog.


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