-White "buck/doe-skin" leather; includes: dress, pouches, sheath, bag, leggings, moccasins.
-Green and yellow/(orange/pumpkin?) palette of beadwork. Also, a vertically oriented "breastplate".
-Green satin shawl with floss fringe.
This Traditional Buckskin outfit was found in the garbage at Capilano.....We are trying to assist in finding the owner to it. We would appreciate if you could print & post a color picture as well as forward this email to anyone you may think might recognize it, if enough people see it, we're bound to find the owner. It is suspected that it may come from Alberta or the States
Thanks for your help in locating the owner of this outfit.
Alice Besito
Financial Aide Worker
West & Central Regions
Sto:lo Nation Social Development
Phone: 604-847-3299
Fax: 604-847-3280
Renee Peters - NCB Program Assistant
Building #5 - 7201 Vedder Road , Chilliwack, BC Direct line: 604-824-2679
"Long Ago Person Found".
Scientists link 17 living people to an aboriginal man found in glacier. [Globe and Mail article]
"Kwaday Dan Ts'inchi' means Long Ago Person Found, and he's believed to have died some time between the years 1670 and 1850. His remains were revealed after a glacier started to recede."
Coup d'état in Indian Country.
"... when a massive Quebec police force pepper-sprayed and billy clubbed their way through her small Algonquin community, enforcing the federal government's March 10 decision to oust the traditional Chief and Council and appoint a small faction as the leadership, she took on the new documentary subject with bitter irony.
"It's just another one of the government tactics we've had to face," said Pouchachie, while showing me film of the arrests of ten people, including her husband. The group was protesting the return of Casey Ratt, recognized by the Canadian government as the new Chief of Barriere Lake, despite their already having a Chief and Council in place..."
Manitoba First Nations support Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug.
"It cost the KI First Nation over $700,000 in legal fees to defend their land and resources," said Chief Flett. "There are similar mining claims dotted all around the Island Lake area. If we can help KI win their claim and achieve justice, perhaps those claims in our community will be dropped or the mining companies will be forced to treat our First Nations more fairly."
"Murder Club" connected to Twin Cities?
Pressure on NY governor to collect taxes on Native smokes.
Unusual case in Oregon; the federal government sends papers (accidentally) to the lawyers of someone they are investigating, proving that they have been using illegal wiretaps, then recover the documents and use the flagrant BS of "state-secret" to deny that the documents could be used in
court to prove that the illegal wiretapping had occurred.
"Last year, a federal appeals court ruled that a German citizen, Khaled el-Masri, who alleges that, in a case of mistaken identity, he was kidnapped and tortured by the C.I.A., cannot sue the United States, because the "very subject matter" of his lawsuit—America's extraordinary-rendition program—is secret. Some, like Senator Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, contend that the Administration is using the state-secrets doctrine to prevent the courts from assessing the legality of controversial programs. The White House "has taken a legal doctrine that was intended to protect sensitive national-security information and seems to be using it to evade accountability for its own misdeeds," Leahy said in February, during a Senate hearing on the privilege."
Be careful riding your bike in New York City.
Cowichan 2008. North American Indigenous Games; August 3 to 10
"The centrepiece to the Games, the Cultural Village will be hosted at the Quw'utsun' Cultural Centre, a world-renowned tourist attraction owned and operated by Cowichan Tribes. The Village will include a variety of events, celebrations, exhibits, receptions, symposia and meetings for the duration of the Games."
Aboriginal People's Television Network (APTN) streaming National News page; see the news that you won't see anywhere else.
APTN archive, at DigitalDrum.
Another Native news site; Tanasi Journal.
A directory of well known Southern Northwest Coast Weavers; at Burke museum website.
Washington state seeks applicants for their public art roster.
USA Native artists only; Native Artist exchange, through New England Foundation for the Arts.
Tim Giago spoofs the reasoning behind Indian mascots, as an act of "honouring".
"Revolution in Native film"
"Once Native filmmakers are able to establish themselves, Lujan hopes they will create Native-themed films that appeal to a mainstream audience. This is something he feels hasn’t been done since Smoke Signals was produced ten years ago. He says there’s no shortage of stories from Native filmmakers or screenwriters but why our stories seem to connect with mainstream audiences lies in part with marketing. Another problem is a lack of access for many Native Americans..."
Captain Hook Awards, for Biopiracy
."Biopiracy refers to the monopolization of genetic resources such as seeds and genes taken from the peoples or farming communities that have nurtured those resources. It also refers to the theft of traditional knowledge from those cultures..."