Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ins3ct: - Horizontal Transfer

BingoRagers; I apologise for going so long, between posts. here is a quick vid of a piece that stood aside for quite some time; stewing... and serving as a platform for drinks and ashtrays. Enjoy.



Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Eagle / Human Transformation... New video, ArtPost & LinkyPost

New BingoRage Studio production: Eagle/Human Transformation.
Acrylic on plywood, Digital Photo Manipulation.
Remember!! "The Spirit Fire is Lit, Again" event; August 6-7, 2010. Spirit Fire Park; Devlin, Ontario. Generously supported by the Ontario Arts Council.
New mural and sculpture installations, new art infrastructure, camping, theatrical presentation, Rodney Brown performance, paintball... other stuff.
Register to camp; arrange paintball [].
We are seeking mural sponsors to support public workshops and events. Email Eric;


Urban Aboriginal Peoples Survey, and results (Canada).

Mercury pollution from Dryden, Ontario pulp mill still poisoning First Nations people, decades later.

April 22, 2010 protest at Ontario legislature; against Ontario HST plans which break Treaty obligations.


Thumbnails click, to enlarged detail photos.

BingoRage Studio. Broken Vulture Art. Eagle/Human Transformation

More, after the jump.