I've been away from the site for the last 2 weeks, working on a few things and a trip to Thunder Bay. Sorry about the lag, here's a rundown of the activities. Click for larger pics:
- New piece for the Fine Line Gallery's April show, Seeing Red, opening April 10'th (call for times of opening) until May 5'th, with a 'Music in the Gallery' event May 6.
529-Mowat Ave, Fort Frances; (807) 274-1269
- I was also at a set of LTTA Artist workshops in Thunder Bay. 2 1/2 days of inspirational artists, valuable education learning and the always-great 'coffehouse'/open stage night.
A big Bingorage welcome to the LTTA artists who are visiting for the first time. I'm posting links to those artists who provide me with a webpage address, and will update this posting as new ones come in.
Duncan Weller
Sound Education
- I picked some great canvas and beads at this cool little art supply shop
The Painted Turtle. I highly recommend a visit.
- We stayed at the Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel. Nice digs.
Prince Arthur Hotel, Trompe L'Oeil.
-While in TB, I managed to catch some music at "The Office (Home of the Blues) tavern". While there was no hint of blues that night, there was some pretty lively alt and hip-hop. Good stuff. I met a couple of guys from the band Late Nite. I promised them a link, but haven't found their site. Chris (left), if you read this, send the link address.
- I've also been working with my group at CMHA, in Fort Frances; doing papier mache. You can see the results, here.
Papier Mache rattle-head, on the modeling clay mould.
- Here's a supercool art website; featuring UltraViolet paintings. Flash required.
-Bigfoot goodies. Seriously.
Bigfoot Stuff
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native art,
Thunder Bay
i wish i woulda stayed at the prince arthur. last time in tbay i let my scandowife pick the lodgings and we stayed at that seafoam green crackhouse, can't remember what its called, a few blocks down from the p.a. nice bars in thunder bay.
Thanks for the update - all the work looks great!!!
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